ESXi valid SSL
To have a valid SSL certificate on ESXi webUI (not VCSA) you need to replace rui
files in /etc/vmware/ssl/
- Log in to the ESXi Shell as a user with administrator privileges.
- In the directory /etc/vmware/ssl, rename the existing certificates using the following commands. mv rui.crt orig.rui.crt mv rui.key orig.rui.key
- Copy the new certificate and key to /etc/vmware/ssl.
- Rename the new certificate and key to rui.crt and rui.key.
My Famipow wildcard certificate is used like this:
cp STAR_famipow_com.crt rui.crt
cp STAR_famipow_com_key.txt rui.key
scp rui* root@${VMHOST}:/etc/vmware/ssl/.